So What is New in Breast Implants?

From the Desk of Dr. Farzad R. Nahai: The Latest in Breast Implants

The last 12 months has seen a lot of exciting developments in the field of breast implants.  In fact, we have seen changes and advances in the last 12 months that have outpaced the previous 10 years.

First, the duopoly enjoyed by the two principle breast implant manufactures in the United States was broken up by the introduction of the Sientra implants in early 2012.  Now there are three companies from which surgeons can choose implants which means patients and surgeons benefit from a wider array of choices.  Second, two more advanced types of implants have been FDA approved for use in the United States, the Allergan 410 and the Sientra anatomic gel implants.  These are unique in that they represent a 5th generation of gel technology that is more cohesive and form stable, meaning that they are shaped more like a breast and keep their shape.  Furthermore there is early evidence that these anatomic shaped form stable gel implants have lower complication rates, but the data is premature at this time.

There is still no one perfect implant that is a solution for every patient, but now there are more choices available for patients and surgeons that can further improve aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery outcomes.

Dr. Nahai’s approach to his patients is based on each individual’s needs and goals. He keeps up with the latest advancements in his field. He looks for and studies innovative surgical techniques and aesthetic treatments and works with his patients to find the safest and most effective solutions for their aesthetic needs. Dr. Nahai is a true artist who enjoys helping his patients feel and look their best.

Schedule a free consultation today with Dr. Nahai at The Center for Plastic Surgery at MetroDerm, P.C. The center serves patients around the metro Atlanta, GA area including Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Roswell, and Buckhead.

Liposuction: How Long Will it Last?

From the Desk of Dr. Farzad R. Nahai: How Long Liposuction Results Last

Liposuction is consistently one of the top, if not the number one, most frequently performed cosmetic surgery procedures in the United States year after year (according to ASAPS statistics).  It is often performed as a stand alone procedure or as a procedure done in combination with other procedures (such as a tummy tuck or with a breast procedure for example).  I am often asked what happens to the areas on the body where liposuction has been performed, specifically regarding whether patients can expect to gain weight in the future.  This is what I tell my patients; there is a finite number of fat cells in the body and if patients maintain proper diet and exercise, the areas where liposuction was performed will stay the same.  With weight gain, other areas of the body will gain disproportionately more than the areas that had liposuction.  So it is really important after liposuction or any form of body contouring to maintain good diet and exercise habits in order to maintain the results.  If you do that, you will enjoy liposuction results for a very long time.

Dr. Farzad R. Nahai’s approach to his patients is based on each individual’s needs and goals. He keeps up with the latest advancements in his field. He looks for and studies innovative surgical techniques and aesthetic treatments and works with his patients to find the safest and most effective solutions for their aesthetic needs. Dr. Nahai is a true artist who enjoys helping his patients feel and look their best.

Schedule a free consultation today with Dr. Nahai at The Center for Plastic Surgery at MetroDerm, P.C. The center serves patients around the metro Atlanta, GA area including Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Roswell, and Buckhead.

Breast Implants: Over or Under the Muscle, Which is Best?

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The short answer to this question is that it depends … what follows are some of the factors that go in to making an informed decision on breast implant placement, specifically, whether it should be placed over or under the muscle.
For starters, the muscle being discussed if the pectoralis major muscle; put yours hands together and press and that is the muscle we are talking about (it is the same muscle used for planking or push ups).  If you decide upon a saline implant, the recommendation is to place the saline implant under the muscle the vast majority of the time.  Because the saline implant is easier to detect by sight and feel and the muscle offers additional coverage of the upper half or two thirds of the implant, saline implants are generally placed under the muscle.  Gel implants, because they are harder to detect, can go over or under the muscle.  With enough breast tissue of your own, for example about 2 centimeters thickness when pinching, the implant will be hard to detect.  So the question arrises, why go above the muscle?  There are several advantages in breast implant placement above the muscle; less pain, quicker recovery, a tendency to a more natural appearing result, an absence of implant distortion with muscle contraction in the short term and implant bottoming out in the long term.  Breast implant placement above the muscle does have its cons though; increased chance of seeing ripples and the possible need for additional imaging during mammography.  See below for a quick reference.

Above muscle

more risk of ripples
less pain
less recovery
implant does not move with muscle contraction
less risk of bottoming out
tends to more natural appearance
may need more views on mammogram
tendency to narrower cleavage

Below muscle

less risk of ripples
more pain
more recovery
implant moves with muscle contraction
more risk of bottoming out
tends to less natural appearance
less effect on mammogram
tendency to wider cleavage

The bottom line is that for the best recommendation schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Nahai, and review the pros and cons in detail and help you make the best and most-informed decision.

Dr. Farzad R. Nahai’s approach to his patients is based on each individual’s needs and goals. He keeps up with the latest advancements in his field. He looks for and studies innovative surgical techniques and aesthetic treatments and works with his patients to find the safest and most effective solutions for their aesthetic needs. Dr. Nahai is a true artist who enjoys helping his patients feel and look their best.

Schedule a free consultation today with Dr. Nahai at The Center for Plastic Surgery at MetroDerm, P.C.. The center serves patients around the metro Atlanta, GA area including Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Roswell, and Buckhead.


Dr. Nahai Q&A: Breast Implants and Cancer Surveillance

Q&A with Dr. Farzad R. Nahai: Breast Implants and cancer surveillance

“Do breast implants make it harder to detect breast cancer lumps? I have breast cancer in my family and am considering getting breast implants.” – Anonymous Patient

Hello. Not necessarily. You can still have mammograms, ultrasounds, and MRI’s as a method of screening and detection for breast cancer with implants in place. There are some reports that detecting new masses is actually easier because the implant pushes and compresses the breast tissue from below to some degree. Depending on the implant type and location, above or below the muscle, you may need more views on a mammogram but early detection of suspicious lesions in the breast is still very feasible. –FRN

Dr. Nahai’s approach to his patients is based on each individual’s needs and goals. He keeps up with the latest advancements in his field. He looks for and studies innovative surgical techniques and aesthetic treatments and works with his patients to find the safest and most effective solutions for their aesthetic needs. Dr. Nahai is a true artist who enjoys helping his patients feel and look their best.

Schedule a free consultation today with Dr. Nahai at The Center for Plastic Surgery at MetroDerm, P.C.. The center serves patients around the metro Atlanta, GA area including Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Roswell, and Buckhead.


Scar Wars: Donuts, Lollipops, and Anchors for Breast Lift

From the Desk of Dr. Farzad R. Nahai: breast lift incision pattern options

When it comes to a breast lift, or mastopexy, there are three principle ways and breast lift incision patterns used to achieve the lift; a circle around the areola (the donut), and circle on a stick (the lollipop), and the circle on a stick with a long incision in the crease of the breast (the anchor).  The choice of which incision is used is based on the degree of the droop in the breast, whether or not an implant is going to be used at the same time, the amount of excess skin, the quality of the breast tissue, and the comfort level and experience of the surgeon with the procedure type.

The goal of the lift is to center the nipple and areola on the breast while at the same time tightening and lifting the breast tissue.  In my practice the most common incision pattern used is the lollipop, a circle around the areola then a straight line down the middle of the breast that stops at the fold.  For very minor lifts the donut incision can be used and for very droopy breasts with a lot of excess skin the anchor pattern incision tends to be best.

There is a misconception that the nipple and areola are actually detached from the breast during the procedure when in fact this is not done very often.  The majority of the time the nipple and areola are kept attached to the breast tissue during the lift. In rare cases of severe breast droop the nipple and areola are detached and re-attached as a graft.

If you are considering a breast lift schedule a free consultation today with Dr. Nahai at The Center for Plastic Surgery at MetroDerm, P.C.. The center serves patients around the metro Atlanta, GA area including Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Roswell, and Buckhead.


Medical Malpractice Coverage in Georgia

Medical Malpractice Insurance in GA – What it Could Mean to You

Written by Farzad R. Nahai, M.D.

A recent article on Medical Malpractice Insurance in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution article (click here) shed light on a surprising and disturbing fact that more than 2,500 doctors in Georgia, (just under 8% of all doctors in Georgia), do not have medical malpractice insurance. Furthermore, it was a surprise to me that Georgia, (along with 31 other states), does not require physicians to carry medical malpractice insurance. Having said that, the article also states that some of those 2,500 physicians no longer practice medicine because of retirement or they no longer see patients because they primarily perform lab research or there has been a complete change in profession as in the example of a doctor who became a state congressman. So admittedly the number may not be wholly accurate. Nevertheless, they are still eye opening and cause to stop and think. If you are curious about your own doctor, the AJC has also provided a link to help you check (click here).

Why is this important? Before I read this article, I had no idea there were that many doctors still actively seeing patients without malpractice coverage, including a cosmetic surgeon who was trained in and practiced emergency medicine. For you, the patient, this is incredibly important. In the event of a major problem, what recourse do you have if your doctor does not have medical malpractice insurance? Turns out not much. Secondly, ask yourself, what kind of choice is your doctor making if he or she decides not have medical malpractice insurance and why would they choose to practice that way? If that is the way they make decisions, what sort of decisions might they make about your care? I do not claim to have the answers here nor am I passing judgement on every doctor who does not have malpractice coverage, but I ask myself if the decision to not have coverage has the patient’s best interest in mind? In the practice of medicine doctors are often asked to put the best interest of their patients ahead of there own, something that many of us doing willingly on a regular basis. I just can not see how choosing to practice “bare” without insurance fits into the belief of taking the best care of our patients.

Zen and Commuting by Bike/Rail

My kids were so excited about St. Patrick’s day that they slept in green pajamas.  When I asked my son why, he matter of fact stated so that he would not get pinched when he woke up.  That was my inspiration for choosing a green jersey and going green today by bike/rail commuting to and from work.

After loading up my bike with lights, lunch, water, and a change of clothes, I was off in the dark drizzly morning pounding out a rhythm on my pedals.  A nice change from the brake and accelerator pedals of my car.  It was quiet and fresh in my neighborhood and full of the morning aromas, both good (the pastry shop down the street) and bad (urban chickens??).  It is urban riding after all.

My commute took me from the Path to the BeltLine and on to the Midtown MARTA station via 10th street. One of the best urban improvements Atlanta has made recently is the BeltLine.  It made for a car free traverse across a dense part of the city without traffic lights or potholes.  Upon arrival to the MARTA station I was pleasantly surprised to see a friend heading to the airport and had the chance to help her with her Breeze card reload.  Within five minutes the Northbound train arrived, relatively full, and we were off to the medical center station. (BTW, a big shout out to MARTA for allowing bikes on their trains, thank you!).

One of the nice aspects of going green by bike riding is that you really experience your surroundings.  I mentioned the aromas earlier, but you also keenly notice the temperature and air quality.  Getting off the train at the medical center I was aware of how much cooler it was and how much more rain was falling.  Fortunately it was a quick zip to my office from there.  After a brief stretch of the legs and change of clothes I was ready to start the day.

About the day, I had more energy and a more cheerful outlook with regard to my commute home.  I was not dreading the stationary parking lot on the highway but looking forward to using public transportation again and being back on the bike.  I shared my experience with my patients and staff and who knows, maybe I even inspired someone else to do the same thing.

So on the way back MARTA was an easy ride, I took special pleasure in whizzing by the cars doing the slow crawl on 400.  The ride was chilly, so my hands were cold when I got home, but I was immediately warmed up by my enthusiastic kids welcoming me at the door.  They asked if I got pinched today.  I showed them my green jersey telling them that I also felt ‘green’ inside because of my bike/rail commute.  In fact I felt so good and so inspired I plan on going green again soon.

Thanks for reading.  -FRN

CPSMD Welcomes Mary Popp, RN

We are very happy to announce the newest addition to our team, Mary Popp, RN.  Mary is an experienced nurse who brings with her an in depth understanding of  care for the plastic surgery patient.  Mary and I worked at Paces for many years and I am very pleased that she has joined me at CPSMD.  Mary will be continuing her injectable practice and working closely with me in the clinic and in the operating room.


Zen and the Art of Eyelid Surgery

This post on eyelid surgery techniques was written while I attended the 2013 EuroMediCom aesthetic medicine meeting in Monte Carlo.  I hope my readers find the topic interesting and relevant.

Some procedures really take an extra gentle touch; eyelid surgery is one of those procedures.  Gentle not only in the technical execution, but also in the planning.  Gentle planning and gentle technique take patience and to some degree an artistic view.  By ‘gentle planning’, I mean setting a goal for eyelid surgery that will result in a refreshed and natural appearance that is not overdone.  This should result in a look that is a younger version of yourself as opposed to severe or over pulled. By ‘gentle technique’, I mean performing the actual procedure in such a way that the eyelids are handled delicately, minimizing trauma and unnecessary injury.  Doing so minimizes bruising and swelling, decreases recovery time and allows the patient to resume normal activities sooner.

Thank you for reading.

About Dr. Farzad Nahai

Dr. Farzad R. Nahai’s approach to his patients is based on each individual’s needs and goals. He keeps up with the latest advancements in his field. He looks for and studies innovative surgical techniques and aesthetic treatments and works with his patients to find the safest and most effective solutions for their aesthetic needs. Dr. Nahai is a true artist who enjoys helping his patients feel and look their best.

Schedule a free consultation today with Dr. Nahai at The Center for Plastic Surgery at MetroDerm, P.C.. The center serves patients around the metro Atlanta, GA area including Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Roswell, and Buckhead.